2023 Biowatch Agroecology FARMER FAIR

The 2023 Biowatch Agroecology Farmer Fair took place from 2-4 October at the Siyazisiza Agri Support Centre near Mtunzini in northern KwaZulu-Natal.

Gathering at this year’s event were farmers from Biowatch-supported agroecology farming groups in KwaZulu-Natal, as well as farmers from Seed and Knowledge Initiative (SKI) partners who had travelled from Mpumalanga, Limpopo and the Eastern Cape.  

The vibrant agroecology event included much celebration with seed and information exchanges, demonstrations and discussions, and sharing of learnings and recipes.

During the Fair, Biowatch launched a campaign to revive interest in millet and sorghum, encouraging farmers to grow, harvest, process, eat and share these important, climate resilient ancient grains.